the year he was three poem

i hope i don’t forget: how you changed the pronunciation of banana to bonana and called coins “points”. how obsessed you were over hamsters, wanting to watch them go through mazes, wanting to check out so many books about them, and asking to be one for Halloween. how you questioned why I was brushing my... Continue Reading →

a good childhood poem

When I watch her swing or dance or laugh or live her best life, I pray to myself, that if she chooses to have her own children one day, she can hold them in her arms, kiss their foreheads, and hope they have a childhood like hers.

Oh Boy…

As you may know, I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in December 2017. In March, we got pregnant again, and now, in August of 2018, we have made it to the halfway point of a new pregnancy, and the ultrasound technician told us we are having a boy. I asked her how confident she... Continue Reading →

six years poem

six years ago, we nervously and absurdly dressed our 21 year old bodies in the most expensive things we'd ever owned, threw caution to the wind, and decided wherever life would take us, we'd go together. six years later, thank God our lives have taken parallel paths because neither of us emotionally resemble the kids... Continue Reading →

thinking about the past poem

is there a word for thinking about the past that isn't nostalgia- because you don't look back on it fondly, and not regret- because it happened to you without your permission? when memories activate heartache? i learned something recently- there are some people that can live decades with tumors that don't kill them. all they... Continue Reading →

little baby poem

I was promised constellations and blessings beyond measure. But I had to leave what I was taught in order to receive. God didn't just heal my body after you were born, but began healing generations. I know, I know that people cannot save you; but there is a cure when I look into your face.... Continue Reading →

thursday morning poem

When you feel a tear sliding down your cheek in the middle of grading the stack of essays in front of you; when you drop your pen, put your head in your hands, and let yourself be defeated by the task for just a few moments; so that you can find an old journal to... Continue Reading →


Only a few weeks ago, I was talking with my sister-in-law Abby about writing and reading. I made the discovery that I have never really tried my hand at writing fiction, but I loved to read fiction. I also love to read non-fiction. And when I wrote, it was much easier to write about something... Continue Reading →


After Ben studied in Nashville during the fall of 2011, he and some of his friends began an online group called The Weekly Circle. It was a place to encourage and motivate one another in their song writing with a weekly theme and deadline. Ben has "revamped" the group this past week to include song-writers... Continue Reading →

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